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Global config

Global configuration is done in mkdocs.yml file. It will be applied to all diagrams in the project. To override it for a single diagram, see local configuration for fenced code blocks and image tags below.

  - d2:
      executable: d2 # path to d2 executable
      cache: True
      cache_dir: .config/plugin/d2
      layout: dagre
      theme: 0
      dark_theme: -1
      sketch: False
      pad: 100
      scale: -1.0
      force_appendix: False
      target: "''"

If an option is not specified, default value (seen above) will be used.

Run d2 --help for more information about the options.


Caching is enabled by default. It is recommended to keep it enabled to speed up the build process. By default, cache is stored in .cache directory, similar to other MkDocs plugins. For this reason it's recommended to add .cache to .gitignore file.

If you want to pregenerate cache and use it on a different machine, make sure both systems use the same backend.

Local config

You can override locally everything except:

  • executable
  • cache
  • cache_dir

You can use local configuration to set options which are not explicitly provided by the plugin, for example layout engine specific options.

These options are not validated and passed directly to the d2 after some basic preprocessing. Expect d2 errors if you provide invalid options.

As an example, to pass this option:

--elk-nodeSelfLoop int      spacing to be preserved between a node and its self loops

Specify it like this (notice _ instead of -):

```d2 elk_nodeSelfLoop="10"
self -> other

Light and dark mode

By default, diagrams are rendered using a single mode (theme). To enable light/dark mode switching, you need to specify dark_theme option in global or local configuration. You can also disable it per diagram by setting dark_theme to -1.

Requirements when using custom color schemes

If you're using custom color schemes, you'll also have to add the following selectors to your scheme:

[data-md-color-scheme="custom-light"] div.d2-dark {
    display: none; /* Hide light images in light mode */

[data-md-color-scheme="custom-dark"] div.d2-light {
    display: none; /* Hide light images in dark mode */

Remember to change #!css "custom-light" and #!css "custom-dark" to the name of your scheme.

Fenced code blocks

Configuration options are specified as key="value" pairs after the language tag.

```d2 pad="20" scale="0.8"
Bob -> Alice

Quotes around values are mandatory. Without them, the plugin will fail silently. If you know how to change this behavior of SuperFences, please let me know by opening an issue or a PR.

There is one special option, render="False", available only in fenced code blocks. This option disables rendering of the diagram and allows you to display the diagram definition instead.


Padding and scale

```d2 pad="20" scale="0.7"
shape: sequence_diagram
Alice -> John: Hello John, how are you?
Alice -> John.ack: John, can you hear me?
John.ack -> Alice: Hi Alice, I can hear you!
John -> Alice: I feel great!
AliceJohn Hello John, how are you? John, can you hear me? Hi Alice, I can hear you! I feel great!
AliceJohn Hello John, how are you? John, can you hear me? Hi Alice, I can hear you! I feel great!

Disabled rendering

```d2 render="False"
Bob -> Alice
Bob -> Alice

Rendering specific target

```d2 target="alternative"
scenarios: {
    main: {
        Bob -> Alice

    alternative: {
        Alice -> Bob

Image tags

Image tags use attr_list extension to specify configuration options.

![Diagram](diagram.d2){sketch="True" pad="30"}

Contrary to fenced code blocks, quotes around values are optional. However white space before opening brace is not allowed. Add space and you will see no error but the diagram will be rendered with global configuration only.


Theme and layout

![Cloud](cloud.d2){theme=101 layout=elk}


Change mode to light ( button at the top).

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clouddisksidintPKblocksidintPKdiskintFKblobAWS S3 Vancouver

Dark theme



Change mode to dark ( button at the top).

clouddisksidintPKblocksidintPKdiskintFKblobAWS S3 Vancouver
clouddisksidintPKblocksidintPKdiskintFKblobAWS S3 Vancouver